Mikiya Kokutō becomes intrigued by the mystical collection of terrible deaths happening in his community and Shiki Ryōgi, a stunning yet unsociable woman. As he tries to become more detailed to Shiki, he realizes that Shiki is connected to the mystical fatalities which the mythological forces entailed with both might eliminate him. It is revealed that in Shiki's family members, certain participants of her household possess 2 unique personalities, both conscious as well as mindful of each other, but having different top qualities. The dual awareness, and Shiki's upbringing as a satanic force hunter, has created her to reject various other human beings.
Nonetheless, upon conference Mikiya, she gradually finds joy with their connection and also a schism establishes between her 2 individualities. Because of this, she winds up in a website traffic crash and is left in a coma for two years. When she stirs up, she finds herself unable to link her past memories to her current identification. Reunited with Mikiya, currently used as an investigator for Tōko Aozaki, Shiki aids Tōko's investigative agency, Garan no Dou, whenever battle is called for, while struggling to come to terms with her identity.
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